Craven was also hungry to prove himself again, and the old pro pulled out all the stops to make this effort a suspenseful and exciting horror film.Īlso (and most importantly), because since 2000 the popularity of ‘torture porn’ and endless horror remakes was in full force, the franchise finally had something to comment on again.
Surprisingly, all these negatives added up to making this fourth entry a sensationally solid sequel the stance of having a group of adults lead a slasher movie was a fresh one, plus the cast had improved as actors in their age (although Cox’s surgery definitely had not). The trio of stars (Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette) were all middle-aged, Craven hadn’t made a solid horror film since 1997, and the horror genre had exploded in a completely different direction. When Dimension Studios decided to crank out a fourth entry more than a decade later, it felt like an unnecessary cash grab. The 90s were a graveyard for the horror genre aside from Wes Craven’s whip-crack smart “Scream” franchise, yet with “Scream 3” (2000), the hip concept of the postmodern slasher had run its course with nothing more interesting to say. Now, this film had a handful of misguided moments that just didn’t work (including the the pool party massacre), but at least its psychological horror elements and homosexual subtext make for an interesting ride, as opposed to just another run-of-the-mill sequel cashing in on Freddy’s good name. On the technical side, Jack Shoulder (“The Hidden”, “Alone in the Dark”) delivers a solid effort with a priority on drama and performance, and for a B-grade sequel, the man treats the whole ordeal with a surprising amount of class and it helps. The best of all is a jaw-dropping transformation sequence that still stands as a marvel of practical effects. Of course, Robert Englund is incredible and since these were the early days of Freddy, he’s played as a chilling murderer instead of a talk show host with a handful of iconic moments throughout. No matter what weird twists and turns the plot throws at him, he genuinely makes us feel for the character, and his central relationship with Kim Myers is surprisingly touching (although THAT dancing scene is still inexcusable). Mark Patton, in the lead role, gives the film a dramatic weight missing from similar genre fair. Yet in retrospect, the franchise was able to get back on track after this odd detour, so we’re able to judge the film on its own strengths and what you’re left with is a solid 80’s horror flick with ballsy subtext, some amazing special effects, and solid acting. Now, it’s understandable for an audience back in 1985 who were anticipating the return of Kruger, but who were instead treated to a bizarre tale that showcased Freddy representing a homosexual metamorphosis a bewildered reaction is understandable. No, if there’s a true runt of the litter, it’s this offbeat entry that the majority disliked due to it altering an already established formula (*cough* “Halloween 3” *cough*). “Dream Warriors” is a glorious fantasy/adventure movie overlooked now but was a box office smash back then the crazy postmodern “New Nightmare” is fascinating, but sadly hampered by a lame third act. When it comes to overlooked sequels in the “Nightmare” franchise, there’s a handful of contenders. Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985, Jack Shoulder) Let’s delve into the rough and pull out some diamonds then…ġ5. Several rare gems are out there that have been swept under the rug because of this default reaction, or on the other hand, because of disdain for ones that tried to break away from the formula. Still, it’s not far from the truth – most are made as soulless cash grabs – but that’s no reason we can’t find some quality amongst the quantity. Please read the full Community Rules.There’s a common conception that most horror sequels suck, with rare exceptions like “Bride of Frankenstein” (1935), “Dawn of the Dead” (1978), and “Aliens” (1986).
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